Friday, November 16, 2012

Gun Control Has Been an Idea for Years

     To start off, the idea of individuals possessing guns goes back to ancient times in Rome. Even in the B.C. era, ancient thinkers such as Cicero pondered about an issue that wouldn't even be resolved thousands of years afterword and even until present times.

     Gun Control even goes back to the Age of Enlightenment with John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. According to their standards, every individual is given basic rights.

     This conflict has even been used by the founding fathers of our country. The 2nd Amendment of the U.S Constitution gives any citizen the right to bear arms (and other various animal parts). Of all of the Amendments, being #2 on the list shows that this right was important to our founding fathers and the future U.S civilization.

"Gun Control." Current Issues: Macmillan Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 16 Nov. 2012.


  1. I feel that gun control is an issue for the entire country. Many people in my life are totally for owning your own guns mainly because of the fact that they hunt. I am not against it because we have been able to own guns for centuries.

  2. holy smokes mitch! this is fantastic. your enthusiasm and in-depth thought for the regulation of firearms is mind-boggling.

  3. I agree with the second amendment. We should be allowed to bear arms. We should possess guns not only for hunting but for self defense. Even if the government made guns illegal people will still use them illegally. Also I like the animal parts joke.

  4. This looks good Mitch. How about some stats and a charts of some kind? Any thoughts on how the law followers are usually the safest users?

  5. turn on comment moderation to prevent an inappropriate comment

  6. I agree with the second amendment because we should be able to own guns for self defense, also for hunting. This is great mitchy! (: <3

  7. This is really good. I do agree with the second amendment , my family owns gun.

  8. i do agree with the second amendment , we should be able to own guns.

  9. This is a very interesting post and i do agree we should be able to own guns. Even though it is a controversial topic and people have there own opinion.

  10. I like the background, and the pictures all match with the same boarders, nice.

  11. Really awesome blog!!!! great info.

  12. Very good issue especially with recent shooting.
